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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 13:33 @Katitude: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! #
  • 13:41 Job interview scheduled for Friday afternoon. The position is PURRRFECT for my skillz and industry experience. #
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Monday, March 30, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 21:11 At a horrible Wisconsin bar watching WWE wrasslin'...by myself. #
  • 21:18 Oh snap! There's a Guitar Hero METALLICA??? #
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 10:40 @fouronionrings: Good luck, and say hello to the boys for me. #
  • 20:09 @_otis_: I think you mean "happy ending" instead of beer. #
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 18:29 Six inches of motherF&#$'ing snow due tonight. Spring, where art thou?? #
  • 19:14 Rolling Rock. Haven't had that in awhile. #
  • 19:15 Gourmet chili-mac #dinnerreport #
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 18:51 @donkeypuncher: Nice work, sir. Have a stogie and a beer for me. #
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 11:09 www.fmylife.com #
  • 12:26 Ceiling leak in the kitchen...Greeeeaaat. #
  • 13:48 @_otis_ Anodyne is great. March 16-20 might be my favorite. And Still Feel Gone. Aw hell, they're all good. #
  • 19:45 7 year old daughter just Googled herself... And thinks she's famous because her name came up from one of my blogs. #
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Monday, March 23, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 13:57 @_otis_ Very nice layout! #
  • 21:49 @metsfan: AND they can't get into the finals...Watching Japan/Korea right now. #
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 14:36 52 degrees outside. PBR in hand. Hanging with friends. Life is good. #
  • 22:02 @Katitude: hee hee hee #
  • 22:29 Yeah. this is awesome: is.gd/ou1M #
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Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 01:01 @good43 You are correct. The Sopranos is crack. Need to sleep. Won't. #
  • 01:09 @good43: Sleep is not an option, must keep watching. Goodbye Twitter until late Sunday at the earliest. #
  • 01:12 @FlipFlopMama: Welcome to Twitter. Your life is now not your own. #
  • 10:19 @donkeypuncher: Saving it for retirement is probably a smart idea. @good43 is right. It's straight TV crack. #
  • 10:46 @donkeypuncher: 24 is great. Never seen Band of Brothers or Entourage. Also, Emma Watson of gay wizard movie fame is now legal.Just sayin' #
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Friday, March 20, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 10:24 Heading to the office to pick up the rest of my shit. If someone stole my ALF doll, I will be pissed. #
  • 21:29 Never seen the Sopranos. Going to watch Season 1 now. #
  • 21:41 @good43 Yeah, that's what I hear. Never wanted to pay for HBO. HELLOOOO DVD! I'll see you guys in a few weeks. #
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Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 13:30 Filling out unemployment forms for the first time in my life. So weird. #
  • 15:42 @Gamblingblues: MEGALULZ #
  • 16:53 @DuggleBogey: Speaking as someone who is recently unemployed, I've taken the past 3 days and have been working on ideas I've had for awhile. #
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 23:51 @RamaRama: Karma's a bitch, yo. Believe me. #
  • 00:10 @thisisnotapril: You're at #sxsw, and you have Journey in your head? EPIC WIN for me. #
  • 00:18 @thisisnotapril: Define "host". #
  • 00:27 @thisisnotapril: Sorry, the two are not mutually exclusive in my book. Maybe ask StB? #
  • 12:47 Holy shit have I sent out an assload of resumes today! I feel so productive! Is it time to drink yet? #
  • 12:53 @ohcaptain: Thanks for the tip. I'm guessing the same rule applies to semen? #
  • 13:33 @Easycure: I consider that permission to start tipping them back @good43 style! #
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 11:11 Happy St. Patty's Day. I got laid off today... #
  • 12:16 Thanks all. #
  • 14:40 @EvieMarie: Thanks. It was a BS move by management to give my accounts to the "golden boy" on staff (even tho I've sold more this year)... #
  • 14:41 @RamaRama: A) You lucky SOB. B) Happy St. Pat's Day. C) Your place hiring? #
  • 18:03 @RamaRama: Thanks, man. Actually sort of pumped. Gonna work out, write, work on the website, and look for jobs. #
  • 22:47 @genebromberg: Yep. I'm sorta giddy about sucking off the teat for once in my life and figuring out the future. #
  • 23:14 @donkeypuncher: I love Q-Tip's flow (and voice). #
  • 23:19 @genebromberg: My thoughts exactly! Spring is a time of rebirth, right? #
  • 23:20 @RamaRama: Karaoke is the mirror of one's true soul. (Yours is Journey) #
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Monday, March 16, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 11:15 WAAAY to nice outside to be sitting in an office... #
  • 13:50 @RamaRama @Drizztdj:Mention the Heavy Table when you pick up a bottle of Malheur Dark Brut and pay $13 instead of $25. is.gd/nAxl #
  • 16:09 There is a New York strip steak and a baked potato on the grill in my very near future. #dinnerreport #
  • 16:20 @THE_REAL_SHAQ: Love the tweets, man. #
  • 17:57 Just bought 1000 shares of GBX on a killer tip. #
  • 18:33 @genebromberg: Dammit!! I thought my source was foolproof. I bought an ebook and everything! #
  • 18:53 @Iggylicious: I got a prescription for Chantrix, but heard it could make you suicidal. Just sayin'. If you're on it and not, then U R good. #
  • 19:08 @metsfan: One of my favorite TV series ever. #
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 00:16 Got well beyond drunk at the welcoming party for the new music teacher at my kids Lutheran School... #
  • 18:59 grilling and drinking tall boys of Bud Select. That, my friends, is called livin' the dream. #
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Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 11:38 Plowing thru the Adwords tutorial. More interesting than you'd think. #
  • 11:39 @maigrey: Happy Birthday! Hopefully the birthday gods gave you the weather in Chicago that we have in WI. Enjoy! #
  • 15:05 @_otis_ The Secret History by Donna Tartt #
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Friday, March 13, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 20:49 Can't wait for this college basketball nonsense to end. #
  • 20:51 Just turned on my fave radio station (89.3 The Current) and they're playing the new M. Ward. Gonna be a good night. #
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 14:32 Heading into a "bitch at the sales guy" meeting. This'll be fun... #
  • 15:25 @RamaRama: Probably about 10, which I think is right. #
  • 15:27 @RamaRama: Actually it's 913 miles. At an average drive of 75mph, you'll get there in 12 hours, 15 minutes. #
  • 16:33 @DeadMoneyInc: You take him up on that? #
  • 19:06 Reading a GReader thread @Gamblingblues posted about the best of alt-country music.Front to back Whiskeytown's "Stranger's Almanac" for me. #
  • 19:39 Homemade enchiladas with guacamole made by mi. #dinnerreport #
  • 20:40 @ohcaptain: I think a warm sock is in your future. #
  • 23:25 Holy shit is Julia Allison annoying. But for some reason I an unable to unsubscribe to her "lifecast"/think about the two of us in Barbados. #
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 18:24 @peacorn: Glad it was just the car! Hope SSP is doing well. #
  • 19:11 OK, I've been in sales for 12 years and am sick of it. Any ideas of a suitable career path (besides pimp)? #
  • 19:46 epic-win.info is live. Any blog related pimpage would be much appreciated! #
  • 20:24 @BobbyBracelet: Why does that sound SO FUCKING GOOD right now? #
  • 20:27 @BobbyBracelet: I think www.thisismytgod.com/ is a prime blog to get ripped apart *cough* I mean praised by Jebus. #
  • 22:08 @DeadMoneyInc: I'm totally in. I'll bypass the car door, and lay my head on the street for a steamroller. #
  • 22:12 Horse Feathers has an Iron and Wine meets 16 Horsepower kinda vibe. @Gamblingblues- Yay or nay? Did you listen to it? #
  • 22:16 @RamaRama I'm going with 173 #
  • 22:18 @donkeypuncher @maigrey: Dammit! I owe Waffles $5.00 #
  • 22:39 @RamaRama: You're Lulu Roman sized, aren't you? We're all wrong. #
  • 22:43 Listening to the new Ben Kweller. #
  • 22:57 @good43: LOL #
  • 23:00 @Easycure @RamaRama: Or at a bar playing online poker. #
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 18:03 I would comment on the whole "socialism" thread, but what's the point? #
  • 18:09 Must. Resist. Urge. To. Bait. Bitter. Wingnuts. #
  • 18:15 @Gamblingblues: My parents are card-carrying members and taught me the double secret handshake when I was 12 (i.e. before I went 'astray') #
  • 18:23 @Easycure: Wait, I know what to do! Let's give more tax breaks to the very rich and pretend the middle class doesn't exist! Yes! Genius! #
  • 18:25 I'm also sorry to the wingnuts that Obama's plan hasn't completely and totally worked in the THREE WEEKS or so since it's been passed... #
  • 20:00 Seriously, Paula Abdul gets higher and higher every single episode of American Idol. #
  • 20:07 @_otis_ I have to watch it, if only for the ridicule factor. #
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Monday, March 09, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 08:07 it's 8:05 and work is already pissing me off... #
  • 11:36 @DeadMoneyInc: Come to Horicon, WI! It's cold, small, and a decent place to raise kids. We're moving back to Mpls, so you can buy our house #
  • 11:41 @DeadMoneyInc: I can set you up once @RamaRama sets me up in Minneapolis. :) Pay it forward and all that. #
  • 11:45 @DeadMoneyInc: About 35 minutes (45 miles). Straight shot, no traffic to deal with. #
  • 11:55 @DeadMoneyInc: Not really, just hoping he'll hook a brother up. I can probably get my old job back, if need be. #
  • 12:33 @ohcaptain: You're in Rochester, right? #
  • 12:48 @ohcaptain: Once we get back, home game indeed. Probably can get @RamaRama and @Drizztdj involved as well. #
  • 15:45 @genebromberg: AMEN #
  • 17:44 Joe Mauer has back pain now? Jeezus, he's almost as bad as Mark Prior... #
  • 18:38 @DuggleBogey: You were gone? #
  • 21:20 Once I start one of those goddamned Harry Potter movies with the kids, I can't stop watching... #
  • 22:03 This weather is BULLSHIT. #
  • 22:17 @Gamblingblues: Tell me more, tell me more, Was it love at first sight? Tell me more, tell me more, Did she put up a fight? #
  • 22:24 @thisisnotapril: That, my friend, is old school wit. Not everyone has to make armpit noises, you know. #bandcamp :P #
  • 23:17 @thisisnotapril: Only reason I like that movie is it was the only LASERDISC at the library as a kid. And yes, we checked out the player, too #
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Saturday, March 07, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 23:37 Listening the Neko Case. Why does this sound more New Pornographers/poppy than on the first spin? #
  • 00:01 @pokerstage: Or what I call "Tuesday Night" #
  • 16:44 St. Louis style ribs on the Weber Kettle right now. One hour down, two to go. Green beans and cornbread as sides. #dinnerreport #
  • 17:08 Leapin' Leprechaun St. Patty's Day Brew. #beerreport #
  • 17:13 @Gamblingblues: I have been swayed. Don Cordell in 2012! #
  • 17:59 @BobbyBracelet: You in Milwaukee?? #
  • 21:31 @genebromberg: If it took you two tweets to get it out, couldn't have been THAT bad! #
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Friday, March 06, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 16:19 @Gamblingblues: YIKES! #
  • 22:42 Had two "Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA's" at dinner tonight. Not as good as Sierra Nevada, a little better than Summit. #beerreport #
  • 23:26 @donkeypuncher: It was my first experience with the label. Good stuff. No 90 minute available. Gonna seek it out, tho. #
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Survey Takers Needed!

Hey all,

I've started a website, and am looking for people to take 10 minute online surveys.

You will be paid $2.00 per survey completed (via PayPal).

This is a good way for the retired or unemployed (or anyone!) to pick up some extra money.

Please email me at ejrmailbox@gmail.com if interested.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 15:47 If you had a budget of $40K, and I presented you a solution that cost $60K, and I was the best salesperson in the world, would you buy? #
  • 16:36 @good43: EXACTLY. Some owners just don't get it. "They're a big company, they'll find it somewhere!" Um, they just laid off 100 people. #
  • 16:36 @_jjok_ RUN FORREST!!!!! #
  • 19:26 @Gamblingblues: Hmmm...Haven't listened to The Band in forever. #
  • 19:36 @Gamblingblues: Correct my if I'm wrong, but isn't that a Dylan song that The Band covered? My memory of all this stuff is hazy. #
  • 19:36 @Gamblingblues: Knew a guy who was a HUGE Dylan fan. Me? Not so much. #
  • 19:47 @Gamblingblues: Didn't Dylan do a version of it? Checking Google now. #
  • 19:48 Yes, yes, he did. #
  • 19:54 @Gamblingblues: Ever listen to Horse Feathers? If you like Iron and Wine, I imagine you'll like them. Like I&W with a little more twang. #
  • 20:08 @Gamblingblues: I'll DM you. #
  • 20:19 @snailtrax: Chin up, cheer up. There's always donkeys. Also, that sounds vaguely like a Groucho Marx quote. #
  • 20:20 @genebromberg: Now I have to brush up on The Band AND Robbie Robertson? You guys are killin' me here! #
  • 20:46 @Gamblingblues: Wow. Just...wow. #
  • 22:49 @good43: You hiring? #
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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 10:24 Celebrating my 9th wedding anniversary. I can't believe she's put up with my crap for so long! #
  • 13:42 @ohcaptain @_jjok_ Thanks for the congrats! Tonight will be this: drop.io/6haeqcl (SFW) #
  • 15:43 @Gamblingblues: Thank you, sir! #
  • 15:44 @Iggylicious: Merci. I think she's waiting for year ten before she finally wises up, but I'll take it! #
  • 16:08 RT @_taylor_ girls are always thinking about getting bangs. it's crazy. #
  • 16:51 @good43: Thanks... #
  • 17:06 @@TheLuckbox: I do agree with @Gamblingblues . Dems have sat idly by while people like Rush try to destroy them. #
  • 17:07 I think the days of a passive DFL are finally coming to an end. And that is GREAT change. The GOP cowers before Rush like he's f'n Cheney. #
  • 17:08 @TheLuckbox: By head of the Republican Party, I assume you're talking about Rush Limbaugh. #
  • 17:18 @TheLuckbox: Don't be so sure about that. Emanuel is politically the kind of guy who'll eat Rush's liver with a nice chianti. #
  • 17:22 @TheLuckbox: Scared of what, exactly? They've got the majority, and Limbaugh is a former hillbilly heroin addict with a "talk show"... #
  • 17:27 Not name calling: Truth. He was addicted, and he does have a "talk show" which is actually a bully pulpit. #
  • 17:28 Plus, look what "real conservatism" has gotten us over the last 8 years: A shredded Constitution and a disaster of an economy. Well played. #
  • 17:41 @TheLuckbox: Pull the plank out of your own eye, before you comment on the speck in mine. Remember "Messiah"? C'mon Luckbox, get real. #
  • 17:41 is.gd/lPIx Hat tip to @Gamblingblues on GoogleReader. #
  • 17:54 @TheLuckbox: Off to enjoy my crazy, liberal 9th wedding anniversary. We're burning an effigy to Limbaugh and Cheney (after sex). #
  • 18:00 @TheLuckbox: LOL #
  • 19:16 how do i know EvieMarie? #
  • 19:43 @EvieMarie: I'm sure you can! Glad to have you part of my Twitterdom. #
  • 20:00 Jon Stewart always says it best: is.gd/lQEg #
  • 22:30 Highly recommend Horse Feathers album "Words Are Dead" #
  • 22:32 @_jjok_ THAT is some funny stuff. I'd rather strap some C4 on me and walk into an Iraqi market than deal with that for an afternoon. #
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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 11:15 @Gamblingblues: Good stuff. #
  • 17:00 Explaining Twitter to a 30 year old... #
  • 20:41 @good43: WHY GOD, WHY????? I mean, congrats!!! #
  • 21:45 @good43: Tried the warm water and hydrogen peroxide remedy. So far, still approx 50% loss in hearing in my ear. Thx for the tip, tho. #
  • 22:03 @good43: I think you may be correct! Can't believe I didn't think of that before...Stupid brain. #
  • 22:14 OK, I was wrong. Hearing loss in right ear is about 80%. Commence freaking out. #
  • 23:28 RT @_taylor_ Sample room, then drop off rent, then Salon Saloon, then basketball. Only in Obama's America. #
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Monday, March 02, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 13:11 RT @creativecommons: 730mb of "JoCo Looks Back" album and source now available on LegalTorrents: bit.ly/4rs7Ye #
  • 13:12 @thisisnotapril: Oh, that was torture? I thought @toddtodderson was role playing at an S&M club. #
  • 16:01 We're gonna get all mavericky and do stuff that a couple o' mavericks would do. Ya know, stuff like that. #
  • 16:05 @_taylor_ Newscaster on Mary Tyler Moore show. #
  • 16:08 Oops: @_taylor_ Newscaster on Mary Tyler Moore show. #tedbaxter #
  • 16:44 @metsfan: L. O. L. #
  • 17:40 @TheLuckbox: Or is it that Jindal is against Volcano disaster relief funding, but will soak up every penny of fed funds for hurricanes? #
  • 18:09 @TheLuckbox: is.gd/hPy4 I'm sure Governor Palin is at Dick Cheney's "undisclosed location" somewhere. And will take the funding... #
  • 18:29 2012 GOP Front Runners: is.gd/lvsz #
  • 18:51 @_jjok_ I hope so! That ticket would be a mortal lock for the DFL in 2012. #
  • 19:00 Rush in 2012 may not be far off: "My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh," Michael Steele said. #
  • 19:30 Watching Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone with the kiddies. #
  • 20:29 @gadzooks64: Can you get me some for my son? He's a completely insane 5 year old. :) #
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Sunday, March 01, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 00:16 High School Musical 3 was a satisfactory wrap up to the series. No homo. #
  • 00:32 And that's...the END of the story...Standby for NEWS! RIP Paul Harvey. #
  • 12:19 NEEDED: People to take 10 minute online surveys. $2.00/survey taken. If you know anyone interested have them email me: ejrmailbox@gmail.com #
  • 18:44 @RamaRama: I read about that place last week. Supposed to be pretty good. #
  • 19:05 Bahia (dominican beer) #dinnerreport #
  • 19:20 @Easycure: Been a rough weekend. Kids = crazy WI cabin fever. Hot pockets may be involved later (much later), but that's not true dinner. #
  • 19:35 @Easycure: Thanks, man. Also, you are correct: Hot Pockets are not food. They are kick ass in a pinch, tho. #
  • 19:52 I'm suddenly (over the past month) almost deaf in my right ear. This happen to anyone? Does it go away? #
  • 20:21 @Easycure: Have you checked out bloodyp.blogspot.com lately? ALL Twitter feeds. Poker blogging is dead! #
  • 23:16 Great quote: 'Republicans love to practice what they preach against." Re: Jindal anti-volcano help from Fed. Takes every penny for hurricane #
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Hey all,

I've started a website, and am looking for people to take 10 minute online surveys.

You will be paid $2.00 per survey completed (via PayPal).

This is a good way for the retired or unemployed (or anyone!) to pick up some extra money.

Please email me at ejrmailbox@gmail.com if interested.