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Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 12:47 Just finished healping kids clean their rooms. Total disaster. I think I found Eddie Murphy's career under the boy's bed. #
  • 13:00 @Gamblingblues: Those are normally what? $70? Nice find. No homo. #
  • 18:33 @Gamblingblues: Have you seen this genius TNG mash-up? A friend of mine sent it to me a couple of nights ago. is.gd/3Yv6 #
  • 18:33 Wait. I tweeted that last night. Stupid beer... #
  • 20:28 @SnailTrax: No Super Bowl food ideas? How about BACON ExPLOSION: tinyurl.com/bcbde7 #
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My Aim Is True

  • 13:14 @good43: Where do you work again that you are able to consume massive amounts of beer in the middle of day? And, are you hiring? #
  • 17:19 @Easycure: 55?? SCREW YOU! #
  • 17:23 @RamaRama: Same here, but that still a 23 degree swing. If it were 55 here, I'd be grilling outside. In a Speedo. #
  • 17:28 @RamaRama: There's a BAD way to be RIPPED?? Elaborate. #
  • 17:47 @RamaRama: Good luck with all THAT! I'm enjoying my third bad beer of the night. #
  • 17:57 Seriously, ANYONE have a copy of Mac OS Tiger I can borrow? I'll send it back when I'm done. Scout's honor. #
  • 18:11 BEER #dinnerreport #
  • 18:58 Someone want to send this along to @willw? is.gd/3Yv6 #
  • 20:04 @fouronionrings: You must be in heaven! #
  • 22:42 Can't believe I'm heading to bed this early on a Friday night...I'm getting old. Also, YOU DAMN KIDS GET OUT OF MY YARD! #
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Friday, January 30, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 10:57 @RamaRama: Yet another reason to move back! BTW, talked to my old boss yesterday about a potential position in 6-9 months. #
  • 14:40 RT@_taylor_:Free Surly pint tnite at Punch northeast for Twitter users. After 6:30 Omar from Surly is pouring his beer #
  • 19:56 Just dominated my family in a game of Sorry! I made my children feel very bad about themselves. I rule. #
  • 21:26 Watching ER. John Stamos has big time moobs. #
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 09:12 Picked up an older iBook off of Craigslist last night to give Mac a whirl. So far so good. #
  • 09:21 Speaking of Mac, anyone have a a copy of Tiger OS that I could borrow? #
  • 11:16 @TheLuckbox: How many times to go to Vegas in a year? #
  • 12:06 @TheLuckbox: Damn, I hope you can make it out there, then! Good luck. #
  • 22:10 ok, me likey Camino. #
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 14:15 @Easycure @TheLuckbox: Here you go, wingnuts. No more productivity this afternoon for you! tinyurl.com/kt8n #
  • 15:59 RIP John Updike #
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 09:59 Anyone know a solid digital signage platform besides Scala? @pokerstage, I'm looking in your direction. #
  • 21:18 Getting an iBook tomorrow. Cheapie. Gonna explore the wonders of Apple. If I don't like it? Ebay, baby! #
  • 22:17 drinking = overrated #
  • 22:29 @thisisnotapril:I can neither confirm nor deny. This bottle of New Glarus Spotted Cow is telling me to deny, but he's giving me da stink eye #
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Monday, January 26, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 10:23 @Iggylicious: Sorry to hear it, man. #
  • 18:30 I have spent LITERALLY all day working on my iPod and transferring everything to the xternal drive, wiping ipod clean and reloading. ALL DAY #
  • 18:31 Currently sync'ing 198 out of 8,841 songs... This is gonna take awhile. Well, hello Mr. Beer!!! #
  • 19:53 @RamaRama: Still be playing on FT. From a yacht in the Bahamas. #
  • 19:55 @pokerstage: Saw your blog post. I saw this in a trade mag the other day. Looks intriguing: www.popcornhour.com/onlinestore/ #
  • 20:19 Wait, wait, wait. We now have a President who is keeping his campaign promises AND rolling back his own executive power? Wow! #
  • 21:15 @TheLuckbox @Gamblingblues: I don't know about you guys, but my ride to work tomorrow is a unicorn. We jump over a rainbow! #
  • 21:19 @Luckbox: Rolling back Bush's law of executive power of privilege is a great start. Bush=criminal. And Bush knows it. #
  • 22:01 @TheLuckbox: You had to sign up on www.change.gov to get one. Mine was here 4-6 weeks after ordering. #
  • 22:02 @peacecorn: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! #
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 14:14 Can't get "Dance, Soterios Johnson, Dance" by Jonathan Coulton out of my head. tinyurl.com/agow8u #
  • 15:10 Kids just got a Game Boy Advance. #
  • 16:37 @Iggylicious: That's what those flask things are for. #
  • 23:57 is.gd/gHFT Michele Norris Fact #2 #
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 19:25 Saw a kid tonight walking down the street with a guitar slung over his back. A GUITAR HERO guitar... Kids. #
  • 22:42 From the National Republican Congressional Committee: tinyurl.com/buu2hu First sentence says how in touch they are #
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Friday, January 23, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 19:49 @fouronionrings: Thanks! I'll be back for the FFL wrap up party. It'll be good to see you. #
  • 20:06 well, that was fun #
  • 21:03 Just a note. I can't chat on Full Tilt. So if I don't respond, I'm not being rude. Tweet me instead. #
  • 21:04 BUSTO!!!!!!!!!! God, I feel like Waffles. #
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 13:45 Listening to Delta Spirit and looking over a proposal. #
  • 17:47 I need a new job...stat. #
  • 18:26 @TheLuckbox: That was pretty damn funny. Especially the cheese line. #
  • 18:41 @TheLuckbox: This clip is great, too (thanks for making me waste the last 1/2 hour watching these!) is.gd/gJPj #
  • 18:42 @good43: Nice finish! #
  • 20:13 @fouronionrings: Screw you! (Also, how was the housewarming?) #
  • 20:16 Finally realizing that iTunes sort of sucks. #
  • 21:28 @Gamblingblues: L. O. L. #
  • 21:45 Dude calls my AKs with 86s and flops a full house. I really hate Full Tilt. #
  • 21:49 Listening to M. Ward and trying not to go nuts. #
  • 22:18 OK, I'm now officially IN LOVE with Google Chrome. Invites to the wedding will be sent soon. #
  • 22:47 Ok. Maybe it's time to stake out on my own. Sole proprietorship started. Website bought. Wish me luck! #
  • 23:11 @thisisnotapril: Thanks. I've realized that the only good boss is yourself. #
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 10:43 CNN Live + Facebook = Nice app #
  • 12:06 @good43: I do. #
  • 12:07 @TheLuckbox: "History will judge you kindly." Are you living on Planet Unicorn or something?? #
  • 13:02 New look for a new President: www.whitehouse.gov/ #
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 13:45 @itsme_elizabeth: Don't forget to buy them a little longer so he can tight roll the cuffs. #
  • 15:50 More layoffs at the company today...I wasn't one of them....YET. #
  • 19:07 @_taylor_ The word you're looking for is AWESOME. #
  • 19:56 Gearing up for "24". Looooving the new red head FBI Agent. #
  • 21:39 My KK just lost against AA. Why do I still play this stupid game again? #
  • 21:53 @realdawnsummers: Jack dies. #
  • 22:55 12 hours left until the Cheney regime comes to an end!! #
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Monday, January 19, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 10:11 Still wrestling with Songbird and my iPod... #
  • 16:06 Wish the Eagles would have played this way against the Vikings... #
  • 16:57 Now THIS is playoff football. #
  • 17:39 @BobbyBracelet: Lions = ETERNAL EPIC FAIL. #
  • 19:16 @Gamblingblues: Oops. #
  • 21:00 Holy shit, that hit was brutal. #
  • 21:15 @Gamblingblues: LOL. Again, Lions = ETERNAL EPIC FAIL. #
  • 21:16 AAAAAAND....ballgame. #
  • 22:24 The DL Hughley Show is actually pretty good. #
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 14:48 Damn, do I get excited when my Wired magazine comes in the mail. I am a dork. #
  • 19:01 It's been a marathon day of Monopoly. Ashamed/proud to admit that my five year old bankrupted me in the first game. Round 2 going on now. #
  • 19:20 Downloading Songbird. Anyone have any opinions? #
  • 20:26 @donkeypuncher: Double D'oh! #
  • 20:39 @RamaRama: Perhaps you should change your handle to RedneckRama... #
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Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 21:05 @RamaRama: Summit? Surly? #
  • 21:10 @RamaRama: Nice. Never had a Flat Earth. Heard it's good, though. Take that dare and make them lose money this year. #
  • 21:48 OK, really digging the new Weepies album. #
  • 21:55 @Gamblingblues: is.gd/6tDB #
  • 22:35 @metsfan: Sounds like the moat around your nerd kingdom has been compromised!!!! #
  • 23:01 @maigrey: Is your definition of "whirlyball" the same as mine? #
  • 23:28 @TheLuckbox: Such a great scene. Watching the whole damn movie now... #
  • 23:41 @TheLuckbox: Yeah, the TV editing sucks. Wait, here comes "Skyrockets in Flight"! #
  • 00:28 @TheLuckbox: Agreed. "Reeetaaaaainer!" And Affleck's pants (and socks) in the interview are classic. #
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Friday, January 16, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 10:20 Not to bitch about the cold, but DAMN is it cold out there. #
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 15:08 @good43: That looks so good, and I hate you so much for it. #
  • 17:49 Jobs taking "Leave of Absence" from Apple to deal with health issues. Apple stock is going to tank. #
  • 18:17 @metsfan: I doubt his big picture vision will get skewed to that level for at least 5 years, IF he steps down completely. Nice idea, tho. #
  • 18:25 RIP Ricardo Montalban. I hope "De Plane!" goes to the light. KHAAAAAAAAN!!!!!! #
  • 19:33 @Joanada1111: Bitching about the weather is a state pastime in Wisconsin. And this shit sucks. #
  • 20:23 Implemented 3 wks ago: When school district closes, our office closes. District closed tomorrow. Get an email at 5pm saying we're open... BS #
  • 21:27 Amazing documentary on early 20th century sitcoms on PBS right now. #
  • 22:44 Wow. Sorta super drunk. How did that happen? #
  • 22:46 @metsfan: And in retrospect, the old Knight Rider was good??? #
  • 22:52 The name "Porkins" for the fat X-Wing dude in Star Wars still cracks me up. #
  • 23:04 My QQ runs into AQ, and of course... #
  • 23:08 @metsfan: Well, of course! It was the most kick ass show ever. But, like the A-Team, it's impossible to watch again w/out the WTF factor. #
  • 00:15 FUCK THE FUCKING FUCK OUT OF FULL TILT POKER. That is all. Move along, nothing to see here. #
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 14:57 DAYYYYYUM is it cold here in Cheese Land. #
  • 20:32 THIS is AmERICAN Idol. #
  • 20:39 @thisisnotapril: What???? #
  • 20:54 @Gamblingblues: Nice find with M. Ward stream. #
  • 20:58 Way to wait for the high five from the BLIND GUY, Seacrest... #
  • 20:59 @Gamblingblues: Me too. Definition of "irony": Listening to M. Ward stream during American Idol commercials... #
  • 21:35 @SnailTrax: Of course it is. That's half the fun at this point. Plus, I want to see Paula have a bad flashback. #
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 14:55 @Katitude: php? no. pCp? no. #
  • 18:01 Home. Stupid snow. Now, gotta prep for a big presentation tomorrow. #
  • 18:56 Carnitas in the slow cooker ALL THE LIVE LONG DAY. Garlic, onion, salsa, lime and salt. So easy. Smells soooo good. #
  • 19:23 @thisisnotapril: True. But my heart right now is down south. #
  • 20:20 @SnailTrax: If you see him, give him the big blue veiner for me! #
  • 21:41 @thisisnotapril: So, is this the end of the question "I can haz cheezburger?" I mean, the cat got the burger. #
  • 21:58 I think I may be in love with Erica Hill on CNN. Yowza. #
  • 22:07 @thisisnotapril: DAMMIT! I really want that to go away. Give him the damn burger next time. #
  • 22:08 Seven days left. One week, people. #
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Monday, January 12, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 00:37 Um yeah. Worst luck ever on FT tonight. Seriously, since I've started playing this stupid, retarded game. Hold me. #
  • 00:20 After 7 hours, finally got rid of the worst viruses I've ever encountered. Well played, Win32.Zafi.B, w well played. #
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 10:46 I hate thinking about work on the weekends. #
  • 14:38 Currently too lazy to tweet anything interesting. #
  • 16:32 Watching an assload of videos at www.blackcabsessions.com #
  • 18:38 Early evening drinking music includes A.C. Newman, The Raveonettes, and Brother Ali. #
  • 21:06 Good god. Just checked the AZ/CAR score. Are the Cards for real?? #
  • 21:11 @Gamblingblues: The little flair with the hand didn't help either... #
  • 23:43 Wow, I don't think I've laughed more at an SNL episode in about 10 years. Nice writing, Seth Myers. #
  • 00:14 FT and every fucking board four flushing... #
  • 00:37 Um yeah. Worst luck ever on FT tonight. Seriously, since I've started playing this stupid, retarded game. Hold me. #
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Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 21:05 EPIC fight with wife tonight. @Gamblingblues: You have room on the couch for the next 3-6 months? #
  • 21:22 @RamaRama: I was actually considering leaving tomorrow at 6am. Plans may change, but I need to get the fuck outta here. #
  • 21:23 @RamaRama: Wait, what's the buy-in? We're in a recession, you know! #
  • 21:32 @TheLuckbox: Too. Many. Jokes...Brain. Hurting. Send. Help. #
  • 21:36 @RamaRama: Is the game tomorrow? If so, what time? Also, can I drink all of the beer in your kegerator? #
  • 21:48 @RamaRama: I can drink a LOT of beer. A LOT. #
  • 21:59 @RamaRama: That'll do. Also, I'm not kidding about leaving tomorrow early AM to get out of here. Home game time please? #
  • 22:10 @RamaRama: DM me your cell number, yo. #
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Friday, January 09, 2009

My Aim Is True

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Thursday, January 08, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 12:01 The dude abides. #
  • 17:30 JOB WATCH 2008: Today was ok. Resumes being sent out tonight (to Minnesota, too). #
  • 17:33 @BobbyBracelet: Hotel Bar = Epic Fail. Also, get the Two Hearted. #
  • 18:11 @BobbyBracelet: Me either. #
  • 18:14 Winds feel like it's 6 deg. outside and a lot of snow falling.I have decided to dust off the Weber Kettle and grill bacon wrpped tenderloins #
  • 19:12 Ann Coulter's baggie eyed, zombie doppleganger on Today Show this morning. Wait, that's just her. is.gd/ePBZ #
  • 19:23 Got a MINT Twins cap from my brother-in-law today as a belated Xmas gift. Oh, and a kick ass Elvis Costello T-shirt. EPIC WIN #
  • 20:22 Hellooooo www.monster.com. It's been awhile, no? #
  • 20:29 Funniest video I've seen in awhile: is.gd/8WTV #
  • 21:56 @Iggylicious: SOLD! To whom do I make out the cheque? #
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 00:17 Going to bed. Hopefully having sweet dreams of Ann Coulter reading "The Audacity of Hope" aloud to me in bed. #
  • 10:26 Compensation plan changing AGAIN. May be time to look for another job... #
  • 11:01 ATTN MIDWEST BLOGGERS: Just got a message from Potawatomi Casino. Looks like a poker tourney may be out. Calling them today to inquire why #
  • 16:14 I love seeing Norm Coleman basically end his political career in Minnesota. #
  • 16:19 538.com: Coleman has lost to a professional wrestler, beaten a dead guy, and then tied a comedian. #
  • 18:11 @Gamblingblues: Might be my new favorite video. #
  • 18:13 @TheLuckbox: Yeah, I'M the one... #
  • 18:32 @Gamblingblues: I think you mean Cheney, but OK, we'll go with the "talking" head. #
  • 19:01 @TheLuckbox: "white" gravy? C'mon...be less obvious. #
  • 19:17 @pokerstage: 160 gig? I have the 80g and still have 20g left. #
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My Aim Is True

  • 18:01 @CJHoyt: I really liked Luxor. Nice, clean rooms and a soft 1/2 game. #
  • 18:09 @Gamblingblues: One can hope! Ding dong, the scrooge is dead! May he rest in peace. (And condolences to his family). #
  • 18:16 All Ann Coulter need is some duct tape and a good liberal rodgering. #
  • 18:21 Just got my email from FT with the naughty words that got me kicked off of chat. #
  • 18:44 @RamaRama: Let's get us a championship and spend money like we're the Reds! #
  • 19:01 @Gamblingblues: Soco is working! #
  • 19:03 @peacecorn: Genius! #
  • 19:19 APPLE USERS: Want a used iBook for a test drive. This seems like a good deal: Ibook g4 1.33/256mb/60gb/super drive:$275. Opinions anyone? #
  • 19:35 No one on the Apple thing? Really? #
  • 20:17 Holy sweet jebus. Is ESPN.com annoying as hell lately, or what? STOP POPPING VIDEO EVERYWHERE! #
  • 20:24 @good43: You think I should snag it? I really want to get a newer macbook, but want to make sure I'm down with the Apple first. #
  • 20:42 @good43: Thanks for the tip. I mainly want to use it surf the web/iTunes. I guess will need to expand if I get it. #
  • 20:59 I really enjoy drinking alone. #
  • 21:07 @thisisnotapril: That's what made me tweet. I wanted to literally punch my computer. #
  • 21:24 @RamaRama: Good point. #
  • 23:03 Ann Coulter vs. Al Franken: is.gd/eAX3 #
  • 23:07 Also, big ups to realabstract.blogspot.com for the link to the video. #
  • 00:17 Going to bed. Hopefully having sweet dreams of Ann Coulter reading "The Audacity of Hope" aloud to me in bed. #
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Sunday, January 04, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 00:51 Weather-wise, this is the most ridiculous place to live on earth. Snow, rain, snow. Now with freezing rain! #
  • 00:54 @katitude: I do that all the time. I almost appreciate the commercials. #
  • 01:16 @_otis_ Gotta go with grave. Just so you can say at parties, "Ever been to Anna Nicole Smith's grave?...You haven't? REALLY?" #
  • 02:43 Still awake. Burning CD's off the work computer and listening to The Hold Steady's "Stay Positive". And drinking bad beer (yes, still). #
  • 03:08 @donkeypuncher: Indeed. #
  • 12:20 Gearing up for the big Vikes loss today. #
  • 14:59 Just took the Xmas tree outside. Hopefully this will be our last Christmas in Wisconsin. #
  • 15:19 Off to The Rock River Tap to watch the game. SKOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #
  • 15:38 @Easycure- Back to Minneapolis. We miss home. I'll keep U updated on MN/PHI game. #
  • 15:40 @RamaRama: -14 with windchill?? Ouch. #
  • 15:54 WTF Vikes special teams??? #
  • 15:58 3-0 philly #
  • 16:01 @RamaRama: Offense had BETTER look good this series. D looks great. #
  • 16:07 The song in that UPS commercial? Sung by THE POSTAL SERVICE... #
  • 16:32 SKOL!!!!!! #
  • 16:37 I think the only thing I will miss about WI is this bar. #
  • 16:41 @RamaRama: I would love to live 1 block from Grumpy's nordeast. Favorite bar in the world. #
  • 16:49 Fucking T-Jack... #
  • 16:53 @RamaRama: Agreed. But we didn't sign Pennington why again? #
  • 16:58 @RamaRama: You are right. Shoulda nabbed Testaverde. #
  • 17:01 @RamaRama: Good point. Not sure. Still may be a good pickup, tho. #
  • 17:02 Aaaaand Purple Jesus has two on the day (so far). #
  • 17:05 @RamaRama: Looking forward to seeing these games in Mpls (except at Williams). #
  • 17:13 @RamaRama: Since you forgot' I'll say it for you. 'No homo' #
  • 17:15 @Gamblingblues: OOOO zombie Tarkenton for Vikes QB '09!! #
  • 18:04 @RamaRama: Try doing that shit in a WISCONSIN bar... I just did about 1/2 hour ago. Not g00t. #
  • 18:25 Classic 4th quarter MN choke job. #
  • 18:35 Bye bye, Vikes. #
  • 18:39 @CJHoyt14: Um, 2 TD's? He can run on anyone. #
  • 18:41 @Gamblingblues: Point well taken. #
  • 18:42 @CJHoyt14: Your football knowledge is almost as accurate as your political knowledge. Congrats on the Eagles win, tho. #
  • 18:46 @CJHoyt14: They're happy with 2 TD's. No talk of Westbrook's "lucky" screen pass for a TD? Westbrook for 20 for 38 yards... #
  • 18:47 @CJHoyt14: Deal!! LOL. #
  • 18:50 @CJHoyt14: Touche. #
  • 18:51 Appropriate end to the game: T-Jack throwing the ball way... #
  • 20:47 Watching "24: Redemption". #
  • 21:24 I've missed you tonight, leather chair. #
  • 22:12 Hmmm... Chat banned again by Full Tilt. I feel like Waffles! #
  • 22:21 @thisisnotapril: I keep saying stuff like- "nh", "gl", and "go f @ c k yourself you a$$hole". What's the problem? #
  • 22:43 @thisisnotapril: I KNOW! WTF? Could it be because I throw in a drunken "Nice suckout F&*KHOLE" now and again? Who knows? FT is finicky. #
  • 22:55 @maigrey: Grrrrr...I have a meeting with the boss first thing, then 6 hours in the car... #
  • 23:12 @Gamblingblues @maigrey @donkeypuncher: chi.myopenbar.com/ #
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My Aim Is True

  • 15:46 Wow. Insane catch by Fitzgerald. #
  • 15:56 Listening to G.Louris and M.Olson's new songs. Heaven! #
  • 16:04 @thisisnotapril: Don't you make me miss baseball. Music = tunes from the founders of the Jayhawks. Reunited and it feels so good. #
  • 16:07 Checking on the real time spreadsheet for the "5th Pile" Franken/Coleman recount. is.gd/ev0r #
  • 16:21 @maigrey @gamblingblues: I'll be thinking of you while eating my chili-mac (with sliced cheesy dogs!) this evening. #
  • 16:42 @Gamblingblues: Wow. I can suck it, indeed. Sounds killer. Hmmm, only 2.5 hours away. 5 and 7 year olds could fend for themselves... #
  • 17:00 And here come the Falcons. #
  • 17:08 Franken now up 143 votes (from 49 earlier this week). Go Al go! #
  • 17:08 @Gamblingblues: Love that Millen moustache, tho. #
  • 17:38 Franken at a 234 vote advantage with 98 votes to go. #
  • 18:07 Loving that my Closed Caption can't understand a word Matt Ryan is saying: "????@@????$???". Also, listening to Bon Iver's "Blood Bank" EP #
  • 19:53 Drinking bad beer. Enjoying it. #
  • 21:19 Remember ALF? He's back #
  • 21:34 @metsfan: How did I know that you'd be the person to finish that off. Very nice! #
  • 22:18 @RamaRama: 6 month "back-to-the-Cities" plan started today. Hello, cleaning up your home game! #
  • 23:19 So weird to think about : Obama won Iowa one year ago tonight. Now he's going to be President in 17 days. Insanity. #
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Friday, January 02, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 09:44 @Easycure: Amen. #
  • 17:44 @RamaRama @donkeypuncher: If you liked Charles in Charge, you'll LOVE Bibleman. Starring: Willie Aames!!! #
  • 18:01 @RamaRama: LOL. Just googled that. How does Aames go from "getting a little behind in his classwork" (wink) to a bible banger?? #
  • 18:12 @RamaRama: Indeed it is. The skirt, the lightning bolts from the hand, G. Washington's eyes, the Baio. It was an RIAA Award Winner! #
  • 19:03 @Gamblingblues: The Norm McDonald bit on Saget's roast was genius. So funny. #
  • 20:33 @RamaRama: Left hand milk stout??? TOO MANY MASTURBATION JOKES #
  • 20:43 @BobbyBracelet: Tweet of the night. Congrats, sir. #
  • 20:45 @Gamblingblues @thisisnotapril: I want to drive through small Midwestern towns blasting The Hold Steady and hitting dive bars. Who's in? #
  • 20:53 @thisisnotapril: Absolutely. Nothing like cranking "Chips Ahoy" on a hot summer day with the windows down and townies gawking. #
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My Aim Is True

  • 10:13 I woke up afraid I was going to die. Now I'm afraid I won't. #
  • 14:27 Need. More. Bacon... #
  • 20:49 Can't believe I have to work tomorrow... #
  • 22:16 Remind me (after last night) why I'm drinking again? #
  • 22:24 is going to walk around and drink some more. #
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Thursday, January 01, 2009

My Aim Is True

  • 01:09 Uh oh, @thisisnotapril is getting cryptic again. #
  • 01:53 I can't believe you hid the body in that place. It used to remind me so much of our time together. #
  • 01:53 Stop looking at me with those porkchop eyes. #
  • 12:04 @good43: This is still my favorite- is.gd/aMiQ #
  • 16:27 twitpic.com/yecp - This DOES sound like fun! #
  • 18:53 It's not even 7pm, and I'm completely wasted. Huzzah! Stupid Trader Vic's Spiced Rum (not bad for $9.99...) and beer... #
  • 18:55 @hoyazo: Have fun with the madness of Twitter! You caved, but you'll love it. #
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