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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thong Thong Thong Thong Thong

Thong, thong, thong, thong, thong...

Sorry, I've just noticed getting a lot of visitors lately by using the word "thong". The funny part, is they actually stick around and read a bunch of entries.


While watching Thomas Jones hop into his time machine and go back to Week 2 of the 2007 season, I decided to fire up Full Tilt Poker. I wanted to watch the game and not be distracted by actual poker, so I signed up for a 180 person, 20 Full Tilt point MTT.

I was surprised by my results.

So, yeah. Not too bad. I was also drinking delicious Keystone Light and screaming at the TV, so I consider this a pretty big win for what was initially just a distraction.

Also, I really wish that I had Sienna Miller, Scarlett Johansson, or Lindsay Lohan naked or nude pictures on this blog, but I don't.

Anyway, back to beer, poker, football, and not really looking forward to going to work tomorrow.


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